NGE represented client Mindcrest Inc. in its multimillion-dollar sale to publicly traded UK law firm DWF Group plc on February 28th. The NGE team was led by Josh Klein and included Jeff Shamberg, Jeff Bakker, Gerry Golden, Greg Leighton and Tara Anderson. The shareholders of Mindcrest received a combination of cash and publicly traded stock in DWF. The new entity will operate as DWF Mindcrest and will offer managed services and integrated legal services to clients globally.

Mindcrest was founded in 2001 as one of the first legal services companies with significant operations in India. With offices in Chicago, New York, London and Pune, Mindcrest serves a global client base consisting of large corporations and law firms across Litigation, Contracts Management, Compliance and Legal Analytics. DWF was the first legal business to be listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange.

Click here to read more on the acquisition from PRNewswire.