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Illinois Supreme Court Statutory Court Fee Task Force Releases New Report as a Follow-Up to 2016 Recommendations, Chaired by Steve Pflaum

The Illinois Supreme Court Statutory Court Fee Task Force recently announced the release of its final report, titled “Report on Implementation of 2016 Task Force Recommendations and Additional Proposed Measures for Addressing Barriers to Access to Justice and Excessive Financial Burdens Associated with Fees and Costs in Illinois Court Proceedings." The report is a follow-up to the original recommendations by the task force after its implementation in 2016. It expands on the prior report's aims to reduce barriers to access to justice, expand the availability of fee waivers to low-income litigants, and simplify the system of court fees imposed in civil, criminal, and traffic cases. 

NGE Litigation partner Steve Pflaum chaired the Task Force this year and in 2016. Other members of the Task Force include legislators, judges, lawyers, and circuit clerks from across Illinois, many of whom also served in the original Task Force. 

To glean input and perspectives on improvements and additional coverage areas for the 2023 report, the Task Force held two public hearings regarding the impact of the prior reforms. The report also includes a 27-page Appendix containing legislation and court rules the Task Force recommends.

Click here to read the entire new report.