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Thursday, February 1, 2018

8:00 – 8:30am – Registration & Breakfast
8:30 – 9:30am – Program

This complimentary breakfast presentation will discuss how project owners and contractors manage construction-related risks in Illinois using insurance products and contractual provisions. Presenters include the Vice President of Risk Management for one of the largest general contractors in the United States; a construction attorney who focuses her practice on representing project owners in negotiating construction contracts; and an insurance attorney who regularly represents insurers and insureds in construction-related coverage disputes.

Some of the topics that will be explored are:

  • Liability insurance, including tips on how to choose the correct additional insured endorsement for a construction contract and other important insurance specifications.
  • Indemnity, limitations of liability, and other contractual provisions.
  • The state of Illinois law on third-party “action over” claims.

Seth D. Lamden, Partner, Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP

Patrick O’Connor, Vice President of Risk Management and Counsel, The Walsh Group
Heidi Hennig Rowe, Partner, Schiff Hardin LLP
William McVisk, Shareholder, Johnson & Bell, Ltd.

CLE Credit:
The Program is approved for 1.0 Illinois MCLE credit hours.

Sponsored by the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section, Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee and Self-Insurers & Risk Managers Committee
Breakfast Sponsored by Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP